3/11/2010 01:21:00 AM
Laz Alonso is off the market and in a committed relationship.
Posted by SouthernGurl

"I'm a fierce lover. I love with a passion and ferocity, but I don't spread myself thin and give that to everyone. My mother told me to never make any promises you don't plan on delivering--no matter how small or big. Don't run game because it will come back to bite you."Although he's definitely into marriage and children and has dated a couple of women he thought were going to be the one, he was mum on whether his current girlfriend would be calling up Vera Wang any time soon.
"There is someone that I potentially believe I can develop something with. I am as committed to the situation as the situation is committed to me. I'm open to it and have developed along with it. We'll see what happens! It's a really exciting time for me right now. I'm ready for the adventure."Well, good for you, Laz! Let your girl know that if she ain't willing to treat you right, there's literally a gang of girls out there who will! LOL!
And let me find out Jet magazine are now doing full photo shoots! Check out Laz' mini-photospread by clicking the link below.
NOOOOOOOOO Laz NOOOOOO!! I dont like this one bit!!!! He was just single last summer! Okay I know that sounded kind of silly but just DAMN!
Congrats to whoever she is. I guess. Ugh!
No offense at all to SouthernGirl for posting this story, but Ladies do not be fooled by his good looks or his so called swagger. Laz is a cheating ass dog. Hes bogus yall.Dont believe the hype. Instead of a pot of gold, his ass turned out to be the pot of shit at the end of a pissy-ass rainbow.
He doesn't know the meaning of the word COMMITTEMENT. Wouldn't know it if it slap his ass in the face. Yeah hes a momma's boy but he's a Cuban dog too! To whoever he's dating I suggest you run and run fast because its just a matter of time before he go sniffing around some other bitch OUT IN THE OPEN. He doesn't care. Don't believe me READ HIS TWITTER PAGE. He chases after any woman with a moist va-jay-jay.
*waving* What's up Laz? I know you're reading this story and has read any other story that has been posted about YOU on THIS blog and any others because you're a conceited so-and-so and your already overinflated ego gets much strength from reading about how all the ladies are fawning over you. Nickel slick you are not.
"I am as committed to the situation"? N!ggah please
DAMMMMMNNN! Let me bookmark this page in case ole girl comes back!
Dag. Anony sounds pissed off! Come back and tell us why you really mad ma! :) I heard he was "dating" that video chick Bria Myles. Dont know if this is the same chick that he's so committed too. Oh well. He does nothing for me looks wise so I could care less. Now Idris? YES sir!!
Hol UP! Did anonymous refer to Laz as being a pot of shit at the end of a pissy rainbow?! *hollering my ass off*
I enjoy reading this site. I found out about it from reading Black Celeb Kids and now I check it out just about everyday. Love going through the archives. The comments that ARE posted are often times HEE-LARE-REE-US! Even though there aren't many comments posted here I noticed theres a handful of people who post on the regular. It's like a small family here.
Um...in the first pic when he is smiling..what is that growth/bump/blister thing on the side of his tongue? That is the first thing that popped out at me?..eww
GOD Bless you Laz, you are gorgeous. Keep doing your thing. Don't feed into the negativity.
Laz is pretty but I'm with Fly...Idris is the bizness!
Ok, this video hoe he dated has been off the chain puttin his business out in the streets Bria what ever the chicks name is. Sure he dated her for a few but also a few others. Laz is just that Laz but why does this video chick I ran into out one night feel that she can talk about the brutha cuz she could not keep her game tight? she has been all ova the bruthas jock now that his movie is out. See Laz it is like that an ass on a woman does not make her a queen, this chick cant keep her mouth shut she has been puttin your shit all out in the streets now you got drama your way for lettin a hood chick in your life. Commited to her in 2010? she played you bru now we got your business from her. When will these dudes learn? an ass is an ass without a brain!
Yes, I dated him when he was with Bria Miles he would tell me how she could not hold a conversation with him due to her low level of thinking. Thats why he would always call me and we would spend time with each other. He promised of first choice would appear with him on the red carpet notice hw she never made it into the photos? Laz is deeply into very beautiful woman. There was one he told me about that broke his heart yes I seen her photo and she is in LA she is a model shit the girl is bad! and Im a woman and would date her too Im not even into women! "MeMe La" you are one so beautiful I see why he still talks about his first choice.
Anonymous is right his nasty ass was trying to get me to fly to LA to see him, over Twitter..sent me his number. I didn't go, but then he was in Canada and asked me to come there. Never went to meet him there either. Talking to him though He's a real asshole... Starts off cool then will tell you he's good in bed then if you get turned off like I did he becomes patronizing as hell. And thirsty why try to get booty over Twitter? Welp that's a d list celebrity for ya..
Does anyone know if Laz Alonso and Nicholas Harvell are related?
Wow... Interesting y talk interested in him then? Let him do him and yall do yall??? If yall dont like him stay off his jock... He is a celebrity and he gettin paper! He jus wanna fck nd if u not wit dat stop talkin to him!!!
He is so fine, I just wanna jump his bone that's all. He looks good, he is famous, so that means he could have who ever he wants and when ever. You gotta be a damn fool to want a relationship
I could care less who he dating,he is not married, yet. He's like any other man, not to say its ok, but a man will only treat how u let them.. Plus he hasnt met me yet! ; )
Its funny how bitches talk shit but remain anonymous. Whore, woman up and grow a vajayjay. You gotta beef I'm in the A.
His fine !!!!! Thats all imo say.....
Being fine doesn't define nasty behaviour!!!!!
But I'm still a crazy fan
I think Laz does a lot before thinking....just like he did with the Donald Sterling issue.... Put his foot in his mouth
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